Amnesty is an act by passed by the federal government which grants immunity from immigration laws to undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. Various levels of criteria have been proposed for immigrants to be granted amnesty including proof of employment and willingness to pay taxes.
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Fine companies that employ illegal immigrants but also create a path to citizenship from immigrants with no criminal record.
No, but provide access to an improved path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record
No, illegal immigrants should be deported at their own expense or receive the death penalty.
Yes, they should pay taxes. Create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record
No, and we should execute all illegal immigrants who do not finance their own deportation
Yes, only if they pay taxes and create a quick and simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record
create a path to citizenship for immigrants with background checks.
create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record
All immigrants need to be in a "carded" status. E-verify needs to be required nationwide by all employers. Currently working illegal immigrants should be given a temporary work visa. If the job the immigrant with the temporary work card is determined to be one that will not attract most Americans, the immigrant will qualify for a temporary work visa and will be allowed to stay in the U.S.
Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record. However, all immigrants need to be in a "carded" status. E-verify needs to be required nationwide by all employers. Currently working illegal immigrants should be given a temporary work visa. If the job the immigrant with the temporary work card is determined to be one that will not attract most Americans, the immigrant will qualify for a temporary work visa and will be allowed to stay in the U.S.
No, deport all illegal immigrants, after giving them access to a free online course or book on how to not be poor nor in danger where they're from.
No, but allow them a grace period to apply for Citizenship, pay a fine, and learn English.
Yes, but I'd much rather give them full amnesty
If we can prove that they are causing more good than harm, then yes.
Yes, and grant them a path to citizenship
Yes as long as they get citizenship
doesn't really effect me
Those that were deported or voluntarily left the U.S., but didn't commit any crimes other than entering the U.S. illegally and its been at least 1 year or more since they were deported or voluntarily left the U.S., they may attempt to apply or re-apply for amnesty (after paying the fine for illegally entering the U.S.). Those that did commit crimes in the U.S. and either voluntarily left or were deported and has been 1 year or more since they voluntarily left the U.S. or were deported, may attempt to re-apply for amnesty (after they paid the fine(s)
I don't a stance on this issue.
If they came into the country legally and are actively working to gain permanent legal status and are actively learning to speak and write English.
they do not need to be deported but they should be dealt with properly and hopefully they will get legal citizenship
The should be given citizenship
Any company that hires illegal aliens should be fined and required to set up a legal office in Mexico so they can help their workers gain legal status.
Yes but give them a longer set period of time to complete their makeup and citizenship. If they don't complete it in that time then be deported.
No, and either allow them to apply for citizenship, and deport them if they refuse.
No, and allow them to apply for citizenship, after monitoring and a series of interviews conducted by border patrol.
No, but allow them time to workout immigration paperwork for permanent residence status or a visa.
Yes, but their income must be taxed at a higher rate than citizens as a penalty.
No, create a simple, free path to citizenship for illegal immigrants with no criminal record, and if they refuse, deport them
No, but allow them a grace period to apply for Citizenship, pay a fine or bail, learn English, and prevent them from voting for until citizenship is obtained.
No, but allow them a grace period to apply for Citizenship, pay a fine or bail, learn English, and prevent them from voting for 14 years after citizenship is obtained.
Yes; if they pay taxes, have a job(allow up to 6-9 months to be hired), and came in through the legal ports of entry.
create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants, with background checks.
create a path to citizenship for immigrants with background checks
Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record, or one whos criminal record is a nonviolent crime(s).
No, if they are working legitimately, then they wil have a Visa, illegal immigrants working in jobs which take advantage of them either on economics or physical labor is not something that should be promoted through amnesty.
Yes, if a wall is built along the southern border.
Yes, as long as they have no violent criminal history.
Only if they are able to become legal immigrants.
Yes, and also citizenship should they want it.
Yes, but non-working undocumented immigrants should also be given amnesty.
No, they must apply for a working visa
Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants who have not murdered that was not in self defense or who have committed a violent crime
Yes, create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants who have not murdered not in self defense or who have committed a violent crime
Deport illegals that do not pay taxes, do not work, and that have a criminal record Only give legal status to illegals that contribute to our economy
No, but allow them to stay, and if they have good behavior and pay their taxes, reward them with citizenship
No, but allow them to stay, and if they have good behavior, reward them with citzenship
Yes, but only if there is good reason to, such as family reasons, financial reasons, or employment issues.
If illegal immigrants are known to be working in the U.S. must pay taxes and the employer be jailed.
Many people are denied entry into our country everyday because they tried to circumvent the law and deny American the chance for a job that they were trying to claim. We have a worker program along the border states and plenty of chances to work with major businesses through opportunities. There are plenty of jobs Americans don’t won’t to do, just wait in line and hope your number gets punched, stop hurting others with selfishness.
No, remove them from the U.S., but create a simple path to citizenship for immigrants.
Yes, but only if they pay taxes and the government provides a simpler path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record
Yes they should get good job but they should work up in the country like everyone else pay taxes and just work.
No, but allow them to stay, and encourage them to become a legal citizen
Illegal immigrants who currently reside in the United States should be granted amnesty and provided the opportunity to become citizens. Future illegal immigrants should not be given amnesty.
Only if they pay a fine an get a job. If not, they should be deported.
Yes, create a path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record as long as they take a citizenship test and pay taxes
Only if they pay a taxes and get a work visa. If not, they then should be deported.
Yes, create a path to citizenship for immigrants with no criminal record as long as they pay taxes.
No, they shouldn't be allowed to apply for citizenship, but they should be allowed to stay in the country for a couple of years.
Yes, but they should still face some sort of punishment
Yes, if they pay their taxes, have no criminal record, and are willing to go through the citizenship path while actively working.
No, but if they have been paying taxes, give them the opportunity to file for citizenship or leave
Create a system together them document and allow them to participate in insurance systems.