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How would you feel if someone could be held liable for a tool you used improperly, and do you think it's fair to apply this to gun dealers and manufacturers?


What responsibility, if any, should someone have for what others do with their legally sold products, and how does this apply to guns?


Imagine your family was affected by gun violence; would you view gun manufacturers differently in terms of liability and why?


How would you react to a law that lets people sue car companies for accidents caused by drunk drivers, and should this logic extend to gun violence?


If a product has the potential to cause harm, do you think those who profit from its sale should be accountable for its misuse?


What do you believe the term 'accountability' should mean for those who manufacture and sell items that can be used to harm others?


Do you think there is a difference between holding someone responsible for creating a risky product and the individual who chooses to misuse it?


In what ways do you feel the ability to sue manufacturers might change the way products like firearms are marketed or sold?


If a friend of yours was injured by a product, would you support their right to sue the manufacturer, and is this comparable to gun-related incidents?


Can you envision any unintended consequences of allowing lawsuits against gun manufacturers and dealers, and how might those affect your position?