










How would you design a political campaign to address the needs of marginalized communities in your area?


Share an experience where you felt your voice wasn't heard in a decision-making process; how would you change that scenario?


If you could create a new law to improve social justice in your country, what would it be and why?




What changes would you propose to make elections in your country more transparent and fair?


How do you think the distribution of resources affects equality in society, and what role should government play in it?


What makes you feel more included or excluded in political decisions, and how would you improve participation for yourself and others?


Have you ever felt the impact of unequal resource distribution in your community? What was it like, and how would you change it?






What values do you think a government should prioritize to create a more just and fair society?


How would you feel if the region you live in sought more autonomy, and what would be the upsides and downsides of such a move?


Can fair elections truly happen if citizens don’t completely trust the process? How might trust be rebuilt in your opinion?


Have you ever faced or witnessed an unfair policy? How did it affect the people involved, and how would you have handled it differently?



