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I personally believe that if u have a health condition ON RECORD AND DOCTORS SAY U CANT then the masks aren’t needed/unhealthy for someone or could cause their condition to worsen then they shouldn’t be going outside and people who have it should be tested


Let the people choose because we don’t know their reasons for or for not wearing it.


No because it's their own choice if they get the virus it is their own fault.



Yes, but only when outside, in crowed places and if you cant social distance.



Although it is annoying I think we should wear a mask, but leave it up to individuals to do what they want.


They should if they go into a public place or area like a store or a park


The federal government wouldn't be able to effectively enforce such a mandate. Instead, the federal government should inventivize states to implement mandates, as well as running public awareness campaigns about the benefits of masks.


No, each state should be able to decide based on the COVID statistics for that state.


No, the federal government should recommend it but it does not have the authority to require it. Some states may have the authority to require it and they should excersise that authority based on coronavirus severity in the state.


Yes, if the fabric of the masks like cotton or medical cloth proves to do something

 @8LF65LM from Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8LVY25R from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8K6X5PN from Indiana  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes in indoor and crowded areas where people can't distance as much and if people have certain medical conditions other should respect that.

 @8PBY8XC from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8KX67Q9 from California  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8P28PK8 from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only for indoor use and make a exception for people with medical conditions

 @8MJDNHX from Arkansas  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8MNYYT4 from Iowa  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8H4DF7B from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8MKXQ54 from Wyoming  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but for people who have serious medical conditions and cannot there should be more options, and we should have people that get their groceries and stuff for them. Otherwise yes.

 @BaylorBlum from Mississippi  answered…4yrs4Y

No If your county wants to make a mask mandate but overall it is your body your choice

 @shadowaqui from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but if come up negative, they shouldn't have to. Masks do not protect us from COVID. They just prevent people from spreading it.

 @8LMRGRB from Arkansas  answered…4yrs4Y


The government is not actually allowed to “make” us wear the masks, my answer is no, it is a violation of our freedoms.

 @8HK67RX from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

 @6NDPGVB from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

 @897TFQ9 from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

 @767Y479 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

 @78S5M87 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @75P4P5Z from Massachusetts  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7W3SBDC from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

This is a state issues. The President should be high reassuring high rate state Governors to do this.

 @78S5M87 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @874GD8G from Maryland  answered…4yrs4Y

No, federal governments should recommend it but ultimately leave it to the states.

 @86N5Z35 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

No, the government should recommend it but not require it. Only state governments can implement a mask mandate.

 @86N5Z35 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

No, the federal government should recommend it but not require it. Only state governments can implement a mask mandate.

 @88TNS44 from Indiana  answered…4yrs4Y

No, the executive branch does not have the authority to create laws. The judicial branch must first pass a law requiring masks during a pandemic before any such mandate could be constitutionally enforced.

 @8CGYZ9B from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8CLVKTG from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, provide a mask mandate, but do not enforce it via fines and laws. Let businesses enforce it if they desire.

 @8CR2656 from Colorado  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if they are not fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Individuals should carry their full vaccination card with them at all times in case they need to show proof.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if they are not fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Individuals should carry their full vaccination card with them in case they need to show proof.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if they are not fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Individuals should carry their full vaccination card with them in case they need to show proof

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, for individuals who are not fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only for those who are not fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, within hospitals and medical offices as well as on public transportation, and in all public settings for those who are not fully vaccinated

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, when indoors or in crowded areas, and in all public settings for those who are not fully vaccinated

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only indoors in public areas if a person is not fully vaccinated

 @8FG75SF from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

This decision should be left to the States. They are more equipped to understand the particulars of their situation. States should require masks indoors and in crowded areas.

 @8H34RRF from Massachusetts  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HJHKC7 from Connecticut  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HJ6WYW from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

Masks are proven to be ineffective, it should not be a requirement but an option especially to those who are medically inclined

 @8HJ6ZY7 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

No, the federal government can recommend it or even give out small bonuses to states with mask mandates, but this should be decided by each state. I would care for a mask mandate in my state, however

 @8HM9QRF from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, unless you have something that makes it hard to breath even without a mask.

 @8HQTH28 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if there is no room for social distancing and it's a crowed place.

 @8HQ9QYQ from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

You should have a mask if you do experience any allergies or symptoms close to or of the virus. If you are good as new and there is nothing wrong, it is other people's faults for not wearing the mask if they get it from you, it is your own safety.

 @8HPZYH5 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HVK3VK from Arkansas  answered…4yrs4Y

it's really up to us it's our 1st amendment right to wear what we want it's our freedom of speech

 @8HWKHXD from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but the federal government has to provide the face masks since it is a government mandate.

 @8HQ887F from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

No, this should be on a regional/local basis for places where there is high demand for mask requirements but otherwise it must be a personal decision.

 @8HVQ8RT from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Unless all people are confirmed COVID-19 negative, masks should be mandated.

 @8HX8RCZ from Arkansas  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HVS6WN from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

No we should let virus run natural course and if government wants it should recommend not require

 @8J2Z699 from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

You should be wear them in crowded places or indoors. Also the government should recommend it but not require it.

 @8J2QWGS from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8J2RBYQ from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, except for nonessential places that if they are scared then they don't need to come.

 @8JGSKD5 from Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8JRGWTX from Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y

No, masks just trap the bacteria and viruses in our lungs and make us sicker

 @8JXC89N from California  answered…4yrs4Y

No everyone has a choice and personally I belive it doesn't protect anything.

 @8JVK2JF from Arkansas  answered…4yrs4Y

I think it should be mandatory for everyone to do their part and be considerate due to COVID having the potential to cause death. Although I hate to say it, masks should be enforced in public areas with large crowds to assure public safety, only acceptation being valid medical reasons.

 @8K4M2BX from Indiana  answered…4yrs4Y

If people have a medical issue that makes then vernrable they should have to wear a mask if not then it should be optional

 @8JXQPWY from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if we do this it should reduce the amount of time we have to wear them

 @8KDPRPR from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

No, the government should allow businesses, restaurants, or other establishments to decide if they want people wearing masks or not.

 @8KRP22Z from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8KTPDNH from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8L3W9MQ from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8L6JVDH from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

yes, and no excuses should be made against it. if you can't wear a mask due to a "medical Condition" then don't go out in public, stay at home.

 @8LNKYRK from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8LPQ75J from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

people that are concerned about getting sick or have health issues should

 @8LN4JNK from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes of course but maybe if our president wore a mask 24/7 he can be used as an example to go by

 @8LY27ZJ from Nebraska  answered…4yrs4Y


Yes but lets face it who is gong to be able to enforce. Police have enough on their plate as is. Common sense is this even if done won't solve the problem of self centered individuals.