In June 2017, President Trump announced that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate accord in an effort to boost the nation’s industry and energy independence. Mr. Trump argued that the climate accord was unfair to the U.S. since the agreement imposed easier restrictions on China and India who lead the world in carbon emissions. Opponents of the climate agreement argue that it unfairly penalizes U.S. energy companies and consumers by imposing restrictions on domestic energy production. Proponents of the climate accord argue that exiting it sets back decades of diplomatic efforts by the U.S. government to reduce worldwide carbon emissions.
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No but address our concerns
well yes but what we need to do is that they need too test it out by one by a month and then vote
No, but work to hold every country to the same standards
no, i think we should try to convince other country especially countries coming into using oils and natural resources
Yes, and the government should sanction all countries that remain a party to it.
No, but we should be finding ways to hold other countries to the same agreement for the sake of the environment’s wellbeing.
I’m uneducated on this issue
No; and US should focus on reducing carbon emissions
I do not completely understand this agreement
No, but a more meaningful agreement with aggressive standards and enforcement should be created
Not until we have plenty of clean energy sources that can power everything.
indifferent on this issue
We should be doing the most we can to help out.
N/A(not enough knowledge of topic)
While I feel like all the countries in the Agreement should be held on the same level, I do not believe that the U.S. should withdraw.
Yes, We are reducing carbon emissions at a faster rate than the vast majority of other countries
no because being a bigger country comes with a cost.
No, but work towards holding other countries accountable, primarily china and india, withdrawing will only allow china to gain more influence over our allies
No, unless it is proven to be ineffective
No, but renegotiate the agreement to avoid it's effects from hurting American workers while holding other countries to the same standards
I dont have much knowledge on this subject.
It does not really matter as the PCA is functionally useless.
Yes, but we need actual legislation
No, but we need a stronger international agreement to curb climate change with penalties for parties who don't meet the standards and trade penalties for nations that refuse to join or leave the pact.
Yes. We should withdraw and be an energy exporter. People can partner with us and pay us. This industry must grow!
Yes, it is non-binding, and does little more than harbor money laundering
No, but demand that other countries be held to equal standards according to their needs
we should create a new accord that holds everyone to the same standard
Depends on the consiquence
I think they should stay with the Paris Climate Agreement, but at the same time, keep themselves and the people in check so we can try and solve climate change together.
Yes, as long as everyone is held to the same and fair standards.
I'm ignorant on the subject.
No, we should withdraw because if we do not do something and take a stand then our earth could fail sooner or later due to climate change... Trump should take a hint the other day it was like 75 degrees in the middle of winter!!!
Yes, until there is equality (but not necessarily equity)
No. We should seek to improve it as a whole with cooperation from the other countries in it.
Yes, but replace it with an even stronger international agreement and climate provisions in trade deals
No, we should work with our allies to make a more comprehensive measure for keeping countries within the agreement on track to eliminate 50% or more of their polluting co2 by 2030.
No, but we need all countries to be held accountable.
No, but we need other countries to be held accountable.
Yes the U.S. should withdraw form the Paris Climate Agreement until it has started over and became more fair.
No, but the PCA should be reworked to hold all countries to the same standards
We never followed the Constitution to get into it and didn't follow the Constitution to withdraw. Someone followed the law? Maybe we ought to do that before we ask this question.
Yes but I think the U.S should work hard to reduce it's carbon footprint as much as possible
Don't have enough info to make a choice
No, we should never put our manufacturing industry before the climate NEVER
No, so that more countries (by this I mean the U.S.) are able to help protect the natural environment.
I don't even know what this Paris Agreement is.
No but use re-entry as leverage to renegotiate so that other countries also pay their fair share
I dont even know what that means.
No, but we should push for all countries to be held to a high standard.
I need to learn more about the agreement to have a opinion.
No, we should be doing everything we can to reduce carbon emissions.
not enough info to decide
The US does not need to follow the Paris Climate Agreement, but should hold itslef accountable towards creating a net zero future.
We already did leave the climate agreement
Don’t know enough about it to have a opinion
Don´t know enough to answer.
No, but penalize other countries who are not upholding the standards.
It's not going anywhere,.
I think we should get other people on board aka china, Russia, etc.
No, but other countries shall have the same standards
I believe the agreement should be put on hold until nuclear energy is a viable option nationwide in the United States.
Unaware of what this may mean.
Was not informed on this.
I think we should create our own standards
There Should Should Be Different Perspective and Resolutions
I don't really know what this is talking about.
No, temporarily, until a better solution is put in place
N/A, do not know enough on this to question.
Every country must take a stand to save the environment.
The Paris Climate Accord will not do enough to help end climate change but that does not mean we should ;leave it we should just reform it into what we need in order for the world to survive.
I do not understand what this means?
I don't have enough knowledge on this to answer
Yes, we should find ways to decrease climate change that work for us monetarily, rather than against us. The Paris Climate agreement costs $4.4 trillion. That's too much. We need to spend less and get out of debt as much as we can.
Yes, and withdraw from any international agreement
no, as the world gets older more states become more and more poluted
No, but threaten to leave if changes are not made to the other country's restrictions
DonaLd TruMp Had already withdrew the deal
Regardless, we should protect the planet
If we’ve been living that was without problems why change
its up to our leader and chief
No, we need to be very active participants, continue to implement eco-friendly policies and especially provide more incentives for renewable energy. Big energy companies have no incentive now because non-renewables like coal and natural gas are so damn inexpensive.
I only care about the US
No, the U.S. should take lead in regards to climate goals